Lion公司NFPA1971消防衣說明書4.消防衣的目的與使用限制(中文翻譯)Lion公司NFPA1971消防衣說明書4.消防衣的目的與使用限制 4. PURPOSE AND LIMITATIONS OF YOUR GARMENT4. 消防衣的目的與使用限制This Garment is designed to provide LIMITED protection under the requirements of the NFPA 1971 Standard to the legs, torso , and arms against hazards arising from STRUCTURAL FIRE FIGHTING OPERATIONS, AND NON FIRE RELATED RESCUE OPERATIONS, EMERGENCY MEDICAL OPERATIONS, AND VICTIM EXTRICATION, INCLUDING:這套服裝在NFPA 1971 標準的要求之下,被設計於在建築物內消防seo搶救作業,或非火警相關之救援工作、緊急醫療作業、受困者脫困等預防可能出現的危害,對腿、軀幹, 和手臂提供有限的保護,包括以下:‧ heat and flame;l 熱及火燄;‧ liquid splash of five common fire ground chemicals, including AFFF Foam, battery acid, hydraulic fluid, gasoline, 65% chlorine solution (see Section 10);l 五種常見火場化學液體的噴濺,包括AFFF泡沫、電池酸液、消防水、汽油、65%的氯溶液(請見第10節)‧ penetration of blood and other body fluids;l 血液或是其他體液的滲透‧ cold weather and other environmental conditions;l 寒冷氣候或襯衫是其他環境條件‧ physical hazards, including cuts and abrasion; andl 物理性危害,包括切割和擦撞‧ water from hose streams and other sources.l 來自消防系統或是其他來源的水▲DANGER危險DO NOT use this Garment for the following:本消防衣不可使用於下列情形:‧ Proximity or Entry fire fighting operations (see definitions)l 近距離或直接接觸火焰的消防作業(請見名詞解釋;emma說:抱歉,名詞解釋正在趕工中)‧ Activities requiring direct contact with flames or molten metall 需要直接接觸火焰或是融熔金屬的作業‧ Hazardous Materials Emergency 室內裝潢Operationsl 危害物質緊急應變作業‧ Protection against all hazardo us material, chemical, biological, radiological, or nuclear agents, or CBRN terrorism agents (see definitions)l 危害物質,化學、生化、輻射或是核能製劑,或CBRN恐怖攻擊製劑(請見名詞解釋;emma說:抱歉,名詞解釋正在趕工中)‧ Wildland Fire Fightingl 野地消防滅火作業▲DANGER危險Fire Fighters who are exposed to a flashover, backdraft, or other flame and high heat environments are at EXTREME risk for extensive burn injuries and death even while wearing their NFPA 1971 買屋Compliant Structural Fire Fighter Garments!消防人員面臨閃燃、複燃或是其他有火焰高溫的環境時,就算是穿著NFPA 1971規範的消防衣都有著可能造成重度灼傷的極度高風險。Emergency response personnel can encounter many common liquids during normal performance of their duties. The reference to limited protection from liquid splash from 5 common fire ground chemicals should not be interpreted to mean that the Garments are suitable or are permitted to be used for protection to the wearer during any hazardous materials situation.緊急應變人員在一般執勤時即室內裝潢可能發生各式常見液體沾染的情況,雖然本消防衣經過五種常見火災現場液體的測試,但不代表本消防衣適合或容許作為危害物質應變時的防護衣。WARNING警告Controlled laboratory tests in the NFPA 1971 Standard “shall not be deemed as establishing performance levels for all situations to which personnel can be exposed”. You should always use extreme caution in any fire fighting situation to avoid the risk of injuries. See NFPA 1971, Para . 1.2.3.在NFPA1971標準中的實驗室測試並無法模擬所有使用時可能遇到的情境,您在執行消防作業時必須非常注意以避免傷害。詳見燒烤NFPA 1971 1.2.3節。NFPA 1971:2007 Para 1.2.3Controlled laboratory tests used to determine compliance with the performance requirements of this standard shall not be deemed as establishing performance levels for all situations to which personnel can be exposed.NFPA 1971:2007 1.2.3節控制條件下的實驗室測試是作為確認是否達到本標準要求的效能,並無法模擬人員可能面臨的所有情境。(emma說:因為2007年版只能線上閱讀,完全無法複製,必須先key英文再作翻譯,所以只有遇到時再處理,無法提供逐條翻譯,尚請見諒)WARNING警告Protective properties in a new NFPA 1971 買屋Compliant Garment will diminish as the product is worn and ages. To reduce the risk of injuries, you MUST follow the recommendations in this Guide for inspection and retirement of your Garment to ensure that the Garment is not used past its Useful Life.新的NFPA1971規範消防衣的防護效能在消防衣發生破損或老化時會降低。為減低受傷的風險,您必須遵循本指引中有關檢查與汰換的程序以確保您的消防衣未超過使用壽命。WARNING警告Burns are a function of time and temperature. The higher the temperature of the heat source and the longer the exposure time, the 酒店打工greater the severity of burns. 灼傷的嚴重度是隨時間長短與溫度高低而異。熱源的溫度越高以及暴露時間越長,灼傷的程度越嚴重。 FIRST DEGREE BURNS begin when skin temperature reaches approximately 118° F (47.8° C). 第一度灼傷發生在皮膚溫度達118° F ( 47.8° C )時。SECOND DEGREE BURNS occur when skin temperature reaches approximately 131° F (55° C). 第二度灼傷發生在皮膚溫度達131° F ( 55° C )時。THIRD DEGREE BURNS occur when skin temperature reaches approximately 152° F (66.7° C).第三度灼傷發生在皮膚溫度達152° F ( 66.7° C )時。WARNING警告濾桶Y o u may have very little or no warning time fr o m feeling heat or pain before skin begins to burn at 118° F (47.8° C). You need t o be constantly aware of the buildup of heat in the surrounding environment and in your Garment and be ready to escape to a cool area where you can remove hot Garments quickly to help prevent or reduce the severity of burns.在皮膚接觸到118° F ( 47.8° C )時,您可能在還來不及感受到熱的情況下就灼傷了。您必須持續注意週遭環境以及消防衣內熱度的蓄積狀況,並隨時準備逃往溫度較低的地方以便快速的脫除消防衣以避免或減輕系統傢俱灼傷的程度。

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